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Rebirth / Legend Fukki people  / 传奇福贵人 / 历史的背后 / 与皇帝离婚的女人 / 重生

Rebirth / Legend Fukki people / 传奇福贵人 / 历史的背后 / 与皇帝离婚的女人 / 重生

Actors:Yang Lixin / Zuo Xiaoqing / Wang Dongdong /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2011 Updated:2012-04-24 16:31:58 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Rebirth / Legend Fukki people / 传奇福贵人 / 历史的背后 / 与皇帝离婚的女人 / 重生
    Chinese TV < Rebirth / Legend Fukki people / 传奇福贵人 / 历史的背后 / 与皇帝离婚的女人 / 重生 >
    Stars:Yang Lixin / Zuo Xiaoqing / Wang Dongdong /
    Storyline:the drama the legendary Fukki people focuses is the last emperor Pu Yi "the Fugui people" Costume of the legendary life.
    Legendary Fukki people about Chinese history, the last Princess Pu Yi's last wife Costume of the legendary last half, Miss Li, and the emperor emotional joys and sorrows, an ordinary Chinese woman challenges the imperial power to the pursuit of happiness story. From 1942 to 1957, life experiences play Aixinjueluo Puyi as the main clues, focusing on about Pu Yi with its joys and sorrows of the last a Princess Costume of emotional entanglements.

    The drama interpretation of "Cinderella" Costume of the last emperor Pu Yi, marriage, divorce, marriage with civilians dramatic life. Script to the point of view of civilians, with a strange woman's fate, perspective of the puppet Manchukuo under Kuomintang rule, different systems of the communist regime change human nature track. Home Miss Li was born poor, 15-year-old elected to the Palace, was married to Pu Yi, a night became the Princess of Manchukuo, and soon the war changed her fate, the Japanese surrender and the collapse of the puppet Manchukuo, Pu Yi left the Costume of positions panic to escape, did not take her away.

    The end of the war, Pu Yi as the Soviet captives detained in Russia, and Costume of wandering around, come down to go home in the hardships of the decade, she has been waiting for Pu Yi. After Miss Li found the work of librarians, and end the the Puyi suffering marriage, put a new life. A chance to get to know the radio sound engineer Huang Yugeng, they quickly fell in love. The two are decorating their own homes to be married, the newspaper published the news of Pu Yi was an amnesty. Huang Yugeng because marriage and Miss Li, the decentralization of labor reform in rural areas, feel equal love for them through thick and thin, rustic life, mutual tolerance. Has gone through various ups and downs of the Costume of feel this is the real life.
    news starring Zuo Xiaoqing large age story "Legend Fukki people" about the history of China The last one on Princess, Pu Yi, last wife Costume of the last half of the legendary. Pu Yi is starred by the famous actor Yang Lixin.

    Zuo Xiaoqing, played by Miss Li 15-year-old into the Puppet Palace of Heavenly Purity, the palace early mistakenly thought to learn Puppet Palace in her early end of the life of the girls began a repressed life as a civil The woman, a huge contrast between the fate of her young age through a lot of sorrow and grief unknown, the court career and soon the end of her life with the great changes of history and a sea change.

    The puppet Manchukuo puppet emperor Pu Yi, Ai Fei Tan Yuling died, the Japanese managed to control Manchukuo marriage. First, Pu Yi married a Japanese woman, after Pu Yi refused, they tried to Pu Yi's younger brother Pujie married a Japanese woman Saga ho, and stand a throne Succession Act provides that if the the Puyi no children, his brother's children are legally inherit the rights of the throne.

    Lieutenant senior staff of the Kwantung Army Jigang An straight is the highest Explorer Puppet Emperor Palace, after obtaining the approval of their superiors, the answer Puyi choose a Chinese women to do the Princess, the Nanling women's national superior grade school female students, civilians origin Miss Li photographed Princess election according to ...

    Pu Yi Ji Gangan direct warning, this is a final compromise in Japan, Pu Yi can not be accepted, then only one way, that is, Japanese women candidates proposed by the Kwantung Army, he married one of them. Costume of the palace, accompanied by a teacher Fujii, when she was taken to Pu Yi in front looked up when she saw Puyi is shrouded in the shadows of backlit. The dark emperor finally broke into her life.

    Play the main clues to Aixinjueluo Puyi 1942 to 1957, life experience, focusing on about Pu Yi with its joys and sorrows of the last a Princess Costume of emotional entanglements.
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