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Stinger action  / 毒刺行动

Stinger action / 毒刺行动

Actors:Young net such as / Xingqi Qi / Zhu Yilong / Qi / Air /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2011 Updated:2012-04-24 16:29:35 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Stinger action / 毒刺行动
    Chinese TV < Stinger action / 毒刺行动 >
    Stars:Young net such as / Xingqi Qi / Zhu Yilong / Qi / Air /
    Storyline: This is an anti-Japanese - suspense - and brutal - the horror TV series Stinger Action "tells the story Japanese imperialist invasion of China period, the Japanese set up in the Northeast a code for 731 troops, 731 is divided into eight departments and four detachment, the detachment of the captain of the bacterial experiments, part-time Minister Ota Colonel fled to River City to kill the president of River City Hospital left his identity control hospital, the purpose is to be able to help does not expose the identity of conditions, bacteria experiments. Thus, since the hospital was controlled, they are inhuman hospital patients in vivo experiments, anatomical injection in the wound. Called "Max Carlin virus, in order to cultivate and reproduction in the human body, and finally, the developed by bacteria, viruses, coupled with the improvement after a deadly chemical and biological weapons. The story takes place in the war years of the last century, China suffered from the Japanese imperialist aggression is very complex, northeast Songhua River Tu village action a tragic tragic Imperial Japanese Army, with the exception of a Feng Yi escaped, the rest of the village people are not devils to kill, was arrested, locked up in the River City Big East Asia Hospital basement laboratory. At this time, Fung Yi in order to survive along Jiangnan, so fled to River City, but fainted by the roadside. The next day woke up and found that they have been lying in a hospital bed. Beginning to think nothing bad here, at least be able to fill his stomach. Therefore, the doctor Palace Hoi aisle to study bacteria bedside, with Feng Yi said a few words, put her to the hospital basement laboratory, the start of a "Max Carlin virus injected into her body, and then, very skilled pick up a medical surgical knife scarification, Feng Yi, who indiscriminately, to begin the vivisection experiments. At this time, Feng Yi dying to get out of this snare, she tried every means, where they discover a "devil erosion of my body," the diary, which records the hospitals to conceal. Three years ago, Japan's Unit 731, bacterial experiments detachment Minister Ota Colonel killed Jiangcheng president of the hospital, then left as Dean of control of hospital, began to use the floating population of the River City vivisection of bacteria injected into the body, culture propagation of bacteria in the body. One night, the basement came thriller strange demonic screams. Hospital doctors thought it was a hospital haunted. Soon, the floating population of River City often unexplained disappearances, less and less people on the street, and even usually in the street swinging the little beggars are gone. The police began the investigation in their unraveling investigation has also led to a series of storm. At the same time, the hospital to the number of interns, the second day of the party underground party members, Gee Tung Luen Fung diary to the Gee Tung enough he died, the police suspected Jingqiu kill Luen Fung, witnessed the scene The nurse said that the knife is Jingqiu holding a medical surgery in phoenix phoenix body scarification indiscriminately, covered in blood standing next to the phoenix phoenix. Later, after a lot of twists and turns, with the constantly unraveling Gee Tung, things gradually become clear, Ota Colonel disclosure of the identity, and finally to expose this terrible germs experimental plot. Finally, the hospital staff have been injected with infectious bacteria, so as not to affect the whole city of people being infected, so they decided with the Japanese die.
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