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Underground transport stations  / 地下交通站

Underground transport stations / 地下交通站

Actors:Wuyue / Liu Jinshan / English Zhuang / Bao Dazhi / highlighted /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2010 Updated:2012-04-24 16:22:01 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Underground transport stations / 地下交通站
    Chinese TV < Underground transport stations / 地下交通站 >
    Stars:Wuyue / Liu Jinshan / English Zhuang / Bao Dazhi / highlighted /

    in 2005 is 60 of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War victory and the world anti-fascist victory of the people anniversary. To commemorate this great glorious historical events, the national television stations and production organizations will soon launch a large number of video works that reflect the main content of the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people fighting heroically, including 20 movies, TV shows over 200. In many works, England's launch of the "underground transit stations as only a reflection of war sitcom theme, with its unique form, the new perspective is unique, has become the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television to the national television key plays one of recommended audience. Will also become the highlights of this year's audience. ...
    "Underground transit stations is the first sitcom to reflect the war theme. Up to two years of careful planning, the initial shape. This play is a small county in Jizhong 1940 - Ann Qiu a donkey Museum - Ding Hong floor as the background, and reflects our country by the Communist underground activities led several Cai Shuigen,, the form of a comedy People's arduous heroic war history, and shaped a series of live flesh and blood are negative character image. Among them are the enemy playing in the hands but drew Puppet appreciated underground transport members of our party, Ting Hong House man Choi Shuigen,, calm seasoned but a mercenary ass traffickers face liaison Pingshi Chang clever, cunning, to sell cigarettes for a living on the surface of the "eight", "old party member," a small stone the shadowy courage to face teasing a Japanese spy chief and the other party unaware of the chameleon, the work force captain stone Castle Peak; a kind-hearted and timid shopkeeper Sun Youfu integrity and reckless chef Yang Baolu, the elderly and confused, but non-distinct club Qi old lady; there are brutal, stupid and often unwittingly act as our umbrella the Japanese commander of the gendarmerie Nojiri, cunning, hypocrisy, but he failed. The Eighth Route Army weapons work team the successful use of discord among the devils, and the assistance of the underground party members to let that are mentally ill and transferred back to the black vine Baoding Japanese spy chief, rogue false sense of justice, but often we use the puppet captain gold standard. rogue and greedy, but often two sides of a beaten traitor Detective Captain Jia. Enthusiasm by the activities of these characters, sang in praise of our wit and bravery, relentless mockery of the Puppet stupid and brutal, but also to show the suffering and struggle of the majority of ordinary people. ...
    Given the difficulty of comedy performance with historical themes of the play in the planning period, screenwriter group to respect historical facts, to avoid some of the drama nondescript Joking tendencies, read watch a lot of graphics image data, and visited a large number of participants the Lao Balu over war veterans, the vast majority of episodes are by the true story of the history of struggle by the art processing. The screenwriter group rigorous creative attitude has been related to leadership of the State Administration of Radio, strong support and full affirmation. Has also been ably assisted in the Beijing University Library, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Library. ...
    Novel theme, the drama will be a change in the routine of the traditional sitcom, two-pronged approach in the storytelling and entertainment to make the plot more exciting and fun. Compared to the traditional sitcom, the story of this drama will be new, traditional sitcom never set foot. Cloth Yi Zhen caused puppet infighting, clever design trick to cover the heaven of the U.S. military pilots, and the contradictions of Japanese troops and bandits took the opportunity to smash the enemy's arsenal, a snake out of its hole to find out the internal spies, the eyes clever know the enemy's anti-diversion protect democracy who went to Yan'an, to impostor infiltrate the enemy ...... wonderful drama, just to name a few. ...
    Script writing, this drama is the consistent style of the the Bingcheng Ying's comedy, drawing on the successful experience of action films, spy movies, thriller, thriller, increase the comedy, and strive to introduce new viewers in the hilarious big laugh at the same time, by the influence of revolutionary optimism and revolutionary heroism, and sense of national self-confidence, enhance national cohesion, stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the majority of the audience, entertaining and educational purposes.
    This drama will be the United Kingdom's strongest team for the creative team, then will be invited to the famous movie star featuring starred in, I believe will be the sitcom's another masterpiece. "Tiger".

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