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This life  / 今生今世

This life / 今生今世

Actors:towering / Wang Dongyue / Jie Cheng / Bin Jie / Liu Xun / Jiang Yuchen /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2009 Updated:2012-04-24 16:20:55 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: This life / 今生今世
    Chinese TV < This life / 今生今世 >
    Stars:towering / Wang Dongyue / Jie Cheng / Bin Jie / Liu Xun / Jiang Yuchen /

    This is the emotional story about a mother, a lifetime commitment and stick to ; This is a "good"
    This is the description of a poor child is not abandoned integrity and love, and eventually become business celebrities of struggle; this "line"
    This is a Acura group of people from the bottom of society and positive optimistic attitude pursuit of Ganaiganhen life, and contrasting decadent few rich people and dissipation of gas; this "health".
    Good deeds by health
    Kui Tong received dead pig, casings and other waste, boil the lard living Chan Ka Ho 24 years later have their own business - every family of supermarket chains, Chan Ka Ho became well-known local rich. The same now most of the rich, as Chan Ka Ho decided to enter the real estate, to solve the identity of the "farmers upstart, the other hand, choose to continue in the two sons. The eldest son, Chen Haofu ignorant and incompetent, the second son Chen Elton to work independently, but the second wife Syphilis born. In its major push into the South City district, Liang Jian, his wife Syphilis and its ex-husband's daughter born Wang Xiaofan crush and gave birth to a son and a man, he keeps Chan Ka Ho and Syphilis and Xiao-Fan was children, or in business with Chan Ka Ho shopping in the end.
    Chan Ka Ho was forced to fight more and more feel unable to decide their positions will be passed to the second son Chen Elton, which caused an uproar, has always ignored the business Syphilis decisively to block this accident, Syphilis speak the truth, Chen Haotian not Chan Ka Ho and his own son, but Wang Xiaofan Liang Jian, the flesh and blood! Lost their own children! This result is like a bolt from the blue Chan Ka Ho playing Mongolia
    It turned out that 23 years ago, Chan Ka Ho as young as 16-year-old stepdaughter Wang Xiaofan unwed, has been seven months and watch Murder, Chan Ka Ho regardless of the anger has been nine months pregnant wife Syphilis to block request, Wang Xiaofan punched and kicked, forced Wang Xiaofan to have an abortion, stormy night, Wang Xiaofan away from home, Syphilis follow her daughter to leave. Congenital heart disease, sudden Wang Xiaofan premature birth, plus postpartum hemorrhage, a near escape, Syphilis stomach children can not wait to birth. Syphilis knew Protesting can not go home with a child, and Xiao-Fan children with congenital heart disease, there is no good conditions is impossible to grow up healthy, Syphilis tears to their own children with her daughter this child out of the package, and sent their children to a farmer, and leave the keepsake after a secret deeply buried in his own heart, lied Protesting children have been "dead" and want to wait until Wang Xiaofan grow up, take care of themselves, then the child returned to her. Can Surprisingly, adoptive parents that one suddenly disappeared, Wang Xiaofan all hate all be reduced in the body of Chan Ka Ho and Syphilis, and ran away from home
    Chan Ka Ho caught in a dilemma, despite Syphilis filed for divorce, but he refused, and only hope that this thing will always be secret, and to prohibit family members to meet with Liang Jian, but under the constant pressure of the Liang Jian, Chan Ka Ho sudden stroke, died unconscious, may become a vegetative state with cerebral palsy.
    The Chen to continue the battle of explosive - in the "rights battle in the palace, Prince," Chen Haofu and talented younger son Chen Haotian is necessary in the hospital bed and started Syphilis decisive change Chan Ka Ho was originally signed to Elton Chen's will, will every family a good power vested Chen Haofu can Chen Elton crashes
    After the ignoramuses Chen Haofu powerful, in Liang Jian, the trap, and everyone wiped out, coupled with the change of wills the truth is exposed, and Chen Elton birth is announced, the Chen Haofu Elton, Syphilis, and Chan Ka Ho out of the house
    The upper hand in the second coincidence of the boss and the frustration of a camel fell in love with Tsai's two daughters of the poor people, by Habitat Ma Tsai's wage earners, upright and honest, quietly falling in love with Tsai's daughter, unfortunately volume into this emotional war opened he was not aware of the identity - he is the child Chan Ka Ho and Syphilis 23 years ago to give as gifts!
    Chen Elton despair, returned to Hong Kong to follow Liang Jian, and determined to revenge Walter Chan, revenge Chen Haofu, but also to retaliate Liang Jian, he could not bear to let love of his caijia second daughter, Cai Wenjing go down this road of no return with their own in the future. and walked Thus, Cai Wenjing Ganchangcunduan
    Renters in the the Caijiaying four weeks of Syphilis, feel everyone's love and warm, hard to take care of Chan Ka Ho. Conscious of Chan Ka Ho angrily Chen Haofu wounded, began to cultivate Ma Ma gradually won the respect of everyone, and everyone also gradually returning to life. When Chen Elton returned to Changsha prepare revenge, have been met Syphilis hard to persuade Chen Elton, a retaliation for Walter Chan, in order to unnecessary harm, Ma everywhere concessions, not only did not let Chen Haotian to give up on every family good the damage, and have actually even more emboldened, Cai Wenjing at this time to give up the hatchet, trying to use the power of love to probation Chen Elton mind was blinded by hatred, but continue to be misunderstood, and have actually exacerbated by Elton Chen's hate, Chen Elton centralized funds to prepare the Walter Chan to do the final battle, Wang Xiaofan drifting 24 years back, when she learned that his son is protected by the mother Syphilis 24 years ago substitution truth, eliminating the misunderstanding of the mother, and to persuade Elton Chen to give up the plan of revenge. Elton Chen wake up in the efforts of all the broken 24 years of family reunion.

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