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San jaat si hing - 88 / 新紮師兄1988 / 新扎师兄1988

San jaat si hing - 88 / 新紮師兄1988 / 新扎师兄1988

Actors:Tony Leung Chiu-Wai / Eddy Ko / Ka Wah Lam / Carina Lau / Siu-Ming Lau / Lan Law / Fong Liu / Hang Shuen So / Sheren Tang / Margie Tsang / Chingmy Yau /

Category:HongKong Taiwan Director:Unknown

Year:1988 Updated:2016-12-19 21:32:51 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: San jaat si hing - 88 / 新紮師兄1988 / 新扎师兄1988
    HongKong and Taiwan TV < San jaat si hing - 88 / 新紮師兄1988 / 新扎师兄1988 >
    Stars:Tony Leung Chiu-Wai / Eddy Ko / Ka Wah Lam / Carina Lau / Siu-Ming Lau / Lan Law / Fong Liu / Hang Shuen So / Sheren Tang / Margie Tsang / Chingmy Yau /

     Zhang Weijie (Tony Leung) in the police service for many years, repeatedlyspectacular, therefore was deployed to serious crime bureau. Jay know when handling retired garage owner (Kaohsiung), the two border town Freemasonry, become friends. But the city forced the situation and heavy cast underworld, and Jie enemy. On the other hand, Jie marriage from the storm, his wife Ye Qiaoyi (Margie Tsang) filed for divorce, and the Presidio lounge singer Cheng Yueru (Sheren Tang) at this time in Jie life...... The two major underworld giant Zheng Kanggui (Guang Yi), Zhuo Shouxian (Bao Fang) launched to help eradicate two battles, Jay forces, therefore it should be...... How come a series of impact, Jay will face?


    张伟杰(梁朝伟)在警界服务多年,屡建奇功,因此获调派往严重罪案调查科。杰办案时认识了退隐江湖的车房老板边城(高雄),两人惺惺相惜,成为知己。惟城逼于情势而重投黑社会,与杰为敌。   另方面,杰的婚姻亦起风波,妻子叶巧宜(曾华倩)提出离婚,而清新可人的酒廊歌手程月如(邓萃雯)此时闯进杰的生命中……   时两大黑社会巨头郑康贵(光毅)、卓寿贤(鲍方)展开恶斗,杰受命铲除两帮势力,却因而连累了宜……   一连串冲击接踵而来,杰将如何面对?

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