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HENRi / 我, 智脑亨利

HENRi / 我, 智脑亨利

Actors:Keir Dullea / Margot Kidder / Zoe Reheem / Tobin Shyrock /

Category:Science fiction Director:Eli Sasich /

Year:2013 Updated:2016-12-01 22:05:07 

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Story about: HENRi / 我, 智脑亨利
    Science fiction movie < HENRi / 我, 智脑亨利 >
    Director:Eli Sasich /
    Stars:Keir Dullea / Margot Kidder / Zoe Reheem / Tobin Shyrock /
    Storyline:HENRi is an epic science fiction short film starring Keir Dullea (2001: A Space Odyssey) and Margot Kidder (Superman). Hundreds of year in the future, a derelict spaceship - controlled and powered by a human brain - floats aimlessly in the outer reaches of space. Trapped in the cold metal prison of the vessel, the brain begin to experience disjointed images of its former life - images it cannot undertand. Becoming increasingly self-aware, and yet unable to move, the brain devises a plan to build itself a mechanical body from parts of the ship. Maybe then it will undertand the images it is seeing. Maybe then it will feel alive.
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