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Hegre-art Silvie - Fisting Massage / Hegre-art精油按摩 / 经典按摩推拿指南

Hegre-art Silvie - Fisting Massage / Hegre-art精油按摩 / 经典按摩推拿指南


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Year:2015 Updated:2015-12-17 09:03:32 

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    Documentary movie < Hegre-art Silvie - Fisting Massage / Hegre-art精油按摩 / 经典按摩推拿指南 >

    Essential oil massage
    Oil massage with essential oils, massage oil in place, massage the body massage to relax and relieve the pressure effect.
    Essential oil massage - concept
    Oil massage refers to massage oil (oil base oil and oil mix good massage oil), apply to the needs of the site, the massage method, we can massage the body, to relax the mood, relieve the pressure effect.
    Essential oil massage - Method
    A sliding touch.: this should be the most useful method in oil massage technique, refers to a series of gentle sliding and soothing action, can make the oil penetration into the body, let the body relax, calm. Massage use the palm of the hand, not only the fingers, hands to relax, force can be strong or gentle movements, big and small. So the muscles will relax, and can increase the blood circulation, relieve tension and pressure.
    Two. This technique is squeezed: rub the dough, the thumb can be slightly force, but the action is slow and moderate please. These actions are of great help to the site and back fat thickness, so you can relax the muscles, promote blood and lymph flow, and assist the body of toxins from the.
    Using the two basic techniques, massage method is applied in various parts of the body all massage methods must be towards the direction of the heart to do massage massage, children, elderly, please use the soft touch sliding action.
    Essential oil massage curative effect
    Curative effect of local massage
    Efficacy of whole body massage
    Essential oil can be entered into the skin cells by massage, and then into the blood vessels and tissues of the body. The aroma of the essential oils also have a great impact on our emotions, the aroma of the essential oils will enter the brain system in the brain, there is no human consciousness and emotion in the field of the gate, through oil sniffing, the brain produces a pleasant feeling. The fragrance is easy to help the mood release, it is helpful to relieve the pressure of the whole body.



    精油按摩 - 概念


    精油按摩 - 方法

    一. 滑动轻抚:这应该是精油按摩法中最有用的手法,是指一连串轻柔滑动、安抚的动作,能使精油渗透到体内,让全身放松、安稳。按摩时请使用整个手掌,不是只用 手指,两手要放轻松,力道可以强劲或轻柔,动作可大可小。如此肌肉将放松,并 能增加血液循环,抒解紧张及压力。

    二. 揉揉捏捏:这种手法好比捏面团,大拇指可略为施力,但动作请缓慢且适中。这些 动作对脂肪厚的部位以及背部有很大的帮助,如此可以放松肌肉,促进血液及淋巴液的流动,并协助体内的毒素排出。


    精油按摩 - 疗效




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