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QieXing Qie Zhen Xi / 且行且珍惜

QieXing Qie Zhen Xi / 且行且珍惜

Actors:Lan Feiyang / Lin Cheng / Hu Shiwen / Yao Siyu / Huang Yiwei /

Category:Love Director:Unknown

Year:2014 Updated:2014-11-04 09:08:02 

Update status:EndShare:

Love Related Videos - Latest Love movie
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Story about: QieXing Qie Zhen Xi / 且行且珍惜
    Love movie < QieXing Qie Zhen Xi / 且行且珍惜 >
    Stars:Lan Feiyang / Lin Cheng / Hu Shiwen / Yao Siyu / Huang Yiwei /

    Young Yang Chun, a heavy blow just graduated from university but was orphaned, because miss parents, he insisted on leaving their parents to the only heritage - bar. He assumed the responsibility of the family, afford their sister and burden of life... So, he took his most loved woman language Fu, runs the business is bad bar. However, the society is complex, this group of young people like clean water droplets are brew a variety of flavors of the wine, always give some more complex than the original nature of things. Pure love enemy nevertheless time and the cruel reality. Perhaps, this environment itself does not exist any pure love, as the saying goes, "the poor and lowly decline", regardless of the money, the desire of the birth, the emotional entanglements, the balls are going more and more "far", in the way she find new export, encountered the manners of a handsome successful man Meng Fan, she did not know that this is the best of the Yang Chun brothers and Meng Chao's brother, so the tragedy thus began...... People always like this, have now always longing for a better now, finally is often desire dizzy, hurt each other before, maybe we can feel at ease after the hug, hurt, but there was no way to go back in the face of the man before, until finally woke up......

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