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Man Shan Da Gui Zi / 满山打鬼子

Man Shan Da Gui Zi / 满山打鬼子

Actors:Lin Hao / Zhang Huicang / Tao Hai / peak / Na Wei / Du source / Ren Chengwei / Ai Liya /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2014 Updated:2014-10-09 00:50:20 

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Story about: Man Shan Da Gui Zi / 满山打鬼子
    Chinese TV < Man Shan Da Gui Zi / 满山打鬼子 >
    Stars:Lin Hao / Zhang Huicang / Tao Hai / peak / Na Wei / Du source / Ren Chengwei / Ai Liya /

    The 36 episode TV series, "the mountain play devil" produced by happy Lanhai group company Chen Miaomiao studio. Director Xu Geng had directed "soldier Zhang Ga" by many people as domestic children's play classic, and the Shi Geshi years later, he again starting from the children's story, adapted from the popular novel "Xue Tao of the original mountain play devil" and invited the popular film child actor Lin Hao led the main actor, Na Wei, Du source, Ren Chengwei, Tao Hai, Zhang Huicang, high strength, peak co star, heavy build China's first anti slavery education of children during the Anti Japanese War drama. In the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Wenchuan earthquake relief hero youth Lin Hao together with Yao Ming led the team into the nest China first "electric shock" alone as male, became the one big hotspot. Lin Hao played by the male one mountain, is a soldier like Zhang Ga brave and honest boy. In the face of cruel and cunning Japs, his clever escape a dangerous, experiencing a test and experience, finally grow into a small Anti Japanese hero. During the Japanese War of aggression against China in the 30's of last century, the northeastern town of Irrigation Town, to a group of Japanese occupation. The Japanese to town train station as the fulcrum, transporting troops and supplies to the mountains, "encirclement and suppression" Anti Japanese armed forces; forcing people to savage local mining of mineral resources, the plunder of wealth; the cultivation of opium poppies, poison Chinese; and from the children of colonial education, to be molded irrigation town "model town", realize the complete conquest of Chinese the Chinese into Japan, dependencies purpose. By young mountain as the representative of a group of children and villagers, resistance against Japan's military, economic, cultural invasion, in our own way with the invaders launched a bold and crafty, tough and unyielding struggle, capable of evoking praises and tears, and with the Anti Japanese volunteer together against the Japanese aggression, defend the national dignity, protection natural resources and wealth, the Japanese attempt vanish like soap bubbles, from the new angle of view to write the song Ode to the anti japanese.

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