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General Ye Ting  / 叶挺将军

General Ye Ting / 叶挺将军

Actors:high incidence / Wang Pei / Liu Jing / . Short / Yang Guanghua /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2009 Updated:2012-04-24 16:14:37 

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Story about: General Ye Ting / 叶挺将军
    Chinese TV < General Ye Ting / 叶挺将军 >
    Stars:high incidence / Wang Pei / Liu Jing / . Short / Yang Guanghua /

    the early morning of June 16, 1922, was dismissed by Sun Yat-sen, Guangdong Province and Chairman of Guangdong Army Commander-in-Chief Chen's blatant betrayal of the revolution, the Presidential Palace Guards Regiment battalion commander Ye Ting grace under pressure, led eight hundred soldiers beat back two thousand rebel attack on several occasions to protect Ms. Sun Song Qingling safely out of danger.
    In August 1923, the KMT army disappointed Ye Ting Li Zhang, a friend reached home get to know a girl Li Xiuwen later became his wife. In the meantime, Ye Ting by the communist ideology, gradually gave birth to the desire of students to the Soviet Union, and put into practice in support of Sun Yat-sen and Liao Zhongkai and the Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai.
    October 1924, Ye Ting to enter the Moscow Oriental University, sent by the Soviet Union to study in the first KMT soldiers, is also the only class of non-Communists. Monasteries in the socialist countries, the Soviet Union, and in the help under the influence of the classmate Wang Ruofei, Nie, Chen Qiao year, Ye Ting gradually strengthened the belief in communism. The end of 1924, Ye Ting joined the Chinese Communist Party in Moscow.
    In September 1925, Ye Ting graduated return home. In November the same year, the first by the Chinese Communist Party leadership and command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Zhaoqing in Guangdong was formally established January 1, 1926 Force was renamed the Independent Regiment of the Fourth Army, Ye Ting headed, officers and soldiers of the backbone of almost all of the Communist Party members. Ye Ting was headed, and soon brought out a political and military strong revolutionary new army, laid the foundation for the Northern Expedition advance.
    In March 1926, has long advocated the "revolutionary left" Chiang Kai-shek manufacturing the "中山舰事件", issued a counter-revolution signal. In May, the advance party of the Northern Expedition Ye Ting Independent Regiment bid farewell to the folks in Guangzhou Station, to Shaoguan marching, opened the prelude to the Northern Expedition. August, Northern Expedition continuous capture the Liling Pingjiang City, Ye Ting Independent Regiment as a reserve, but the initiative Qingzhan rates of elite-line behind the enemy lines, lightning attack the Curtin Si bridge, again to play the leading role in the victory of the heshengqiao.
    April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek to launch a counter-revolutionary coup d'etat. Ye Ting follow the instructions of the party issued a thousand rifles, Hubei Province Federation of Trade Unions caucus leadership of Britain's workers' pickets set exploits workers in the defense of Wuhan. Ye Ting and Xiang Ying from a close relationship to work in the New Fourth Army.
    July 15, the Wang Jingwei government openly betrayed the revolution. To counterattack Wang, Jiang counter-revolutionary counter-current, the Provisional Central Committee Political Bureau decided to launch the Nanchang armed uprising. In the early morning of August 1 Nanchang Uprising fired the first shot of the armed insurrection. August 3, the mutinous troops, according to the central authorities have decided to leave Nanchang south of Guangdong, preparing to launch the Second Northern Expedition. Hot weather, the reactionaries army dogged and combined Cai Tingkai defections and three dam error divide our forces, mutinous troops gradually in dire straits, suffering from malaria, Zhou Enlai in quicksand town held an emergency meeting and decided the troops dispersed to break through to do the long struggle of the preparation. Ye Ting and Nie escort Zhou Enlai by boat crossing the sea to escape to Hong Kong, the uprising failed.
    In the early hours of December 11, 1927, the Guangzhou Uprising held in advance, and occupied the city in the rebel army dawn. Ye Ting and Zhang Tailei leaders came to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, announced the establishment of the Guangzhou Soviet Government ...

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