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Xu Mao and his daughters / 许茂和他的女儿们电视剧

Xu Mao and his daughters / 许茂和他的女儿们电视剧

Actors:Liu Peiqi / Bei Liu / Xi Yuli / period /

Category:Chinese Director:Unknown

Year:2012 Updated:2012-12-13 13:05:27 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Xu Mao and his daughters / 许茂和他的女儿们电视剧
    Chinese TV < Xu Mao and his daughters / 许茂和他的女儿们电视剧 >
    Stars:Liu Peiqi / Bei Liu / Xi Yuli / period /
    Storyline:According to eighty's last century, by the first Mao Dun prize winner Zhou Keqin novels " and his daughters " as the background, followed in thirty years of reform and opening up, Xu Mao a life change, show China Southern rural new era 's view of life. Xu Mao as a Chinese rural half a century of change of the witnesses, he and some of his daughter and son-in-law grandson granddaughter 's life, involves Chinese reforming and opening thirty years aspects, although not refined, but not the original true. Three girls, four girls live out, seven girls, nine girls innocence ... ... One family storms bumpy thirty years vicissitudes of life, their fate, they are the scores, their love and hate the child is father of the man 's reflects the new countryside new style.
    The play was based on Sichuan late farmer writer Zhou Keqin writing reflects the Sichuan native themes of the novel of the same name. " And his daughters " in 80's last century, create a great sensation, not only won the first Mao Dun prize in literature, has also been adapted into a film of the same name twice and make known to every family. And for the eight one film studio北影厂shot and struggle " and his daughters ", let the Chinese movie circle under the " egg yolk ", while Li Xiuming ( four girls ), Fuli Wang ( four girls ), Liu Xiaoqing, Siqin Gaowa, Zhang Jinling, Li Fengxu, Zhao Na, Zhou Hong and a large number of stars, have become Xu Mao's daughter " ". It is reported, nowadays, those will be made into a new TV series, have been used as national gift of thirty anniversary of reform and opening and the sixty anniversary of the founding of the 50 key plays. The drama director for has taken a " breakthrough ", " red memory ", hit series the famous military director Shu Chongfu, the famous movie star, a popular actress Liu Peiqi plays actor Xu Mao, character of different " daughters " by new actors, such as Lu Ling, Lin Jing Xi yuli. A number of popular actress will join to this classic radiate new vitality.
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