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Austin Powers 3 / 王牌大贱谍3

Austin Powers 3 / 王牌大贱谍3

Actors:Mike Myers / Beyonce Knowles / Seth Green /

Category:Comedy Director:Unknown

Updated:2012-04-24 16:52:40 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: Austin Powers 3 / 王牌大贱谍3
    Comedy movie < Austin Powers 3 / 王牌大贱谍3 >
    Stars:Mike Myers / Beyonce Knowles / Seth Green /

    this day is most proud of Austin, Paul Wei , he was the Queen of England knighted , made ​​him feel caudal tilt to his childhood worship the father of Chennai Jibao Wei attended the knighted ceremony . But when the father he wanted the Austin Powers and the United Kingdom 's most well-known agent is introduced to the Queen , he even disappeared .
    Austin frustrating to the extreme , his idol and put his pigeons , but when his boss Besso told him that Nigel turned out to be was a genius criminals - perhaps he is not a genius , but he certainly is a Henjiao Se - " Man ! " kidnapping .
    No clue , Austin was forced to Dr. with ** laid down in the devil contract . As long as his guard in prison maximum security prison ** Dr. go to the mini- microphone imprisoned ** Dr. will be the Austin pointed out a clear road .
    Austin Powers in order to find the parent , had agreed to his request , so ** Dr. called him through time and space back to 1975 , the original love of disco dance enough Man " in Manhattan , 69 Club, a popular dance hall .
    I did not expect the Austin front foot to go, ** , Ph.D., and mini- microphone on the successful escape , undercover investigations in 69 club when he returned to the 1970s , and re- position and his old lover demon , ** Dr. followed him to catch up .
    ** , Ph.D., and " Man ! " Decided to work together , and planted a lecture entitled " among hemorrhoids plan" conspiracy , in an attempt to stop Austin, Paul Wei and destroy the world . But they do not know this and Austin Paul Wei ** Dr. devil contract , went so far as exposing a dark secret between them , and these two rival why hate each other's reasons will be revealed .

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