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fair competition  / 公平竞争

fair competition / 公平竞争

Actors:Eric / Savin / Beno ? T / Magimel / Marion / Cotillard 's /

Category:Story Director:Unknown

Year:2010 Updated:2012-04-24 15:26:56 

Update status:EndShare:

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Story about: fair competition / 公平竞争
    Story movie < fair competition / 公平竞争 >
    Stars:Eric / Savin / Beno ? T / Magimel / Marion / Cotillard 's /
    Storyline: < p> a movie about the French conspiracy in the workplace . A small company , a brutal and tyrannical manager of the company that his own ax to grind of several employees . Like most workplace plot , as their story is not in the office, is not the bar and the bed of the habits of Americans , but in the sports arena . This is a film so special . Throughout several intrigue each other in a variety of sports arena , sports arena boss and staff of the confrontation, threats and compromise among staff when running the forest , golf course boss and the boss's conspiracy , and ultimately outbreak in a rock climbing race .

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