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A计划续集.1024x576.国粤双语.中文字幕$ftp://dy:[email protected]:20207/[迅雷下载www.XunBo.Cc]A计划续集.1024x576.国粤双语.中文字幕.mkv
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Story about《Project A II / Project A 2 / A计划续集》
    2009 Year Action movie < Project A II / Project A 2 / A计划续集 >
    Director:Jackie Chan /
    Stars:Jackie Chan / Maggie Cheung / Rosamund Kwan / Carina Lau / David Lam / Bill Tung / Sam Lui / Regina Kent / Yao Lin Chen / Kenny Ho / Mar / Kin-sang Lee / Ben Lam / John Cheung / Mickey /

    Dragon is now tranferred to be the police head of Sai Wan district, and has to contend with a gangster kingpin, anti-Manchu revolutionaries, some runaway pirates, Manchu Loyalists and a corrupt police superintendent.
    Dragon Ma is back, having rid the seas of the dreaded Pirate Lo. Back on land, he is assigned to the police force, where he is to clean up corruption and crime in a local suburb. Along the way, he is caught up in the fate of several Chinese patriots attempting to secure sympathy and support for their revolutionary cause. The Chinese Manchu government is after these revolutionaries, and anyone that stands in their way is in trouble, even if they are in the police force.

    This is Jackie Chan's self-directed , and acted , following the " plan A " and " police story " after a successful make . Won the Golden Horse Award nomination for Best Picture and Best Director . Although the film is called " sequel " , in fact, the story is independent , only the continuation of the actor Ma Ju-lung re- color and a group of pirates of revenge . Describes the late Qing Dynasty , Hong Kong, disorder, gangs and criminals known as " lock ring" hand in glove . Ma Ju-lung was assigned by superiors to take over the West , Central , to commence Heibailiangdao eliminate work . The large master the other hand , the Qing court to send to Hong Kong to catch a revolutionary party members , while a group of brawn and simple-minded pirates will have to wait for an opportunity to Ma Ju-lung revenge . The three men conflict with each other to contain , constitute a full entertainment show of . Pure emphasis on the works of fist action fun with Jackie Chan ago is relatively low up , the film 's plot development and twists and turns , of which there are " ancient metaphor " Political Declaration reflects the Jackie Chan has been gradually noticed that the content of the film and depth is a welcome step forward . Sequel Part of Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao , co-star , but Maggie Cheung , Rosamund Kwan , Carina Lau , glamorous actress hard performances , martial arts action scenes of the risk of very high

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