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Story about《The 601st Phone Call / 第601个电话》
    2006 Year Comedy movie < The 601st Phone Call / 第601个电话 >
    Director:Guoli Zhang /
    Stars:Cecilia Cheung / Degang Guo / Ge Hu / Nailiang Jia / Geng Li / Yongjian Lin / Yiwei Liu / Ben Niu / Zongwan Wei / Guoli Zhang / Meng Zhang / Bichang Zhou /
    Storyline:adaptation of the sensational "600 star phone since last exposure event. Yi Shu is a little unhappy life, the walk will be hit by a car, like things are not more unfortunate is that her cell phone number, and the star have been leaked God Bless the number only a thin digit. The large stars God Bless the live flowers and applause, but in fact she was also facing pressure on ordinary people can not understand. 600 star phone exposure, the number of Yi Shu became the "601 phone", all of a sudden received numerous harassing phone calls, her troublesome to want to change the phone received a call from a big boy A text. A text seriously ill, but always hoped to meet their idols, God Bless, can sing a song written by their own . Yi Shu then re-select their own lives to go looking for God Bless ...... behind the scenes production: Zhou Bi Chang: to be acting more to be physical film "601 phone" last year's 600 star phone numbers, disclosure of the event as the background, the film week pen smooth play of the design Division Yi Shu difference between a singer played with Cecilia God Bless phone number, and received many strange calls. To the script, the film Bibi also do such as running , fell into the well and other manual labor, Zheng Buxi filmed comparable in her film debut in "McDull, The Alumni Association" bitter. Cecilia Cheung: Active beaten the new Bibi story needs to be done to make "hard labor", the drama of bone Cecilia will have to suffer some "flesh bitter". The thugs beat the drama played in the original Cecilia Singers God Bless encountered in the underground garage, in order to make the movie more vivid, Cecilia active partner aggravate the intensity of play. Cecilia: You hit me, it does not matter, you do not be afraid. Hu Ge: false sick true acupuncture treatment the film Hu Ge play a cancer patient Xiaowen, shooting the hospital scene, Hu Ge To cope with the drama of a saline drip on the back of the hand also tie the two needles. At that time, director Zhang Guoli require this lens as close as possible, there must be into the lens of a needle, called nurses stark reality, real in Hu singer back tie for a needle. But unfortunately this lens back and forth NG several times, because the director is always on the effect are not satisfied with so poor Hu singer make up a needle after needle. Not only that, even when shooting to Hu Ge play glucose injection is genuine. Until now, Hu Ge left hand back to still see the red eye of a needle. Do not look at a scene in the hospital, take the time to lay it looks very comfortable, in fact, very, very hot, wet the entire bed, but also to plug so many tubes, it is very upset. Zhang Guoli: slightly fewer than FireWire film shooting did not take long, director Zhang Guoli Leibing, fever is not treated in time lead to eye irritation, ill also adhere to work ten hours a day. Look at the pen shoot intimate scenes, waiting for filming process, pen interesting to observe the movements of the lens. At this time the film is, Meng and Jia Nailiang play a couple embracing kiss on Riverside Avenue, Pudong. In order to create a romantic atmosphere, the director launched the extras and even the crew play a pair of temporary couple. Zhang Guoli will be out shooting turned around and went to a "warning" pen: "‘ children should not be ’ ah! Do not peek! "Then, the pen is obediently with parasol over his face, from the umbrella behind, then came her bursts of bad laughter. Gu Nailiang play in the play pen of ex-boyfriend, in the same location , and even wear with a dress, and the two girls kiss. In order to give the pen to reduce the difficulty of director Zhang Guoli does not require pen kissing scenes, but requires two bumper forehead, gently embracing turn a few laps. Results from five meters away, you can see the pen muscle tension. Guy Lanzhu her waist, pen obvious at the foot of a mess; and other guy holding her embrace my arms, pen pen conscious head side to side. Then Zhang Guoli sentence classic comment is : "make things difficult for dead the children are made into a stiff neck!" Pen dubbed their own tweaking performance as "revolutionary young woman, sitting there muttering, said:" revolutionary woman youth for the first time a large crowd to do this. .. "Zhang Guoli ears immediately go back and say:" say, secretly has been done many times? "Highlights: GuoDeGang in the film play a taxi driver, opened the taxi to a kind of mold. Film Cecilia sang a beautiful and moving film episode. On the day of the finished filming, Cecilia night soulful singing, spend a few hours of the time this song recording is completed. Feng Xiaogang served as producer of the film, secretly remind the good brother, Zhang Guoli few TV series, multi-film conversation. · Pen in the shape of the film is a long hair, she very honestly told reporters, "said the director of my face is too big, long hair is used to cover." Hu song plays Arabic and play pen Yi Shu will have a lot of scenes, both from the encounter, to love, do not rule out the pen gave screen kiss.
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