Index » cartoon movie » Now Playing cartoon movie Mononoke-hime / Princess Mononoke / もののけ姫 / 魔法公主 / 幽灵少女 / 幽灵公主
cartoon Mononoke-hime / Princess Mononoke / もののけ姫 / 魔法公主 / 幽灵少女 / 幽灵公主Video Download url:
幽灵公主BD1280高清中字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:20298/[迅雷下载www.XunBo.Cc]幽灵公主BD1280高清中字.rmvb
幽灵公主.BD1280超清国日粤三语中字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:10519/[迅雷下载]幽灵公主.BD1280超清国日粤三语中字.mkv
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Story about《Mononoke-hime / Princess Mononoke / もののけ姫 / 魔法公主 / 幽灵少女 / 幽灵公主》
    1997 Year cartoon movie < Mononoke-hime / Princess Mononoke / もののけ姫 / 魔法公主 / 幽灵少女 / 幽灵公主 >
    Director:Hayao Miyazaki /
    Stars:Billy Crudup / Billy Bob Thornton / Minnie Driver / John DiMaggio / Claire Danes / John DeMita / Jada Pinkett Smith / Gillian Anderon / Keith David / Corey Burton / Tara Strong / Sherry Lynn / Matt K. Miller / Marnie Mosiman / Julia Fletcher /
    Storyline:On a journey to find the cure for a Tatarigami's cure, Ashitaka finds himself in the middle of a war between the forest gods and Tatara, a mining colony. In this quest he also meets San, the Mononoke Hime.
           While protecting his village from rampaging boar-god/demon, a confident young warrior, Ashitaka, is stricken by a deadly cure. To save his life, he must journey to the forests of the west. Once there, he's embroiled in a fierce campaign that human were waging on the forest. The ambitious Lady Eboshi and her loyal clan use their gun againt the gods of the forest and a brave young woman, Princess Mononoke, who was raised by a wolf-god. Ashitaka sees the good in both sides and tries to stem the flood of blood. This is met be animosity by both sides as they each see him as supporting the enemy.
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