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Story about《Red State / 红色之州》
    2011 Year Horror movie < Red State / 红色之州 >
    Director:Kevin Smith /
    Stars:Michael Angarano / Deborah Aquila / Nicholas Braun / Ronnie Connell / Kaylee DeFer / Joey Figueroa / Kyle Gallner / Anna Gunn / Matt Jones / John Lacy / Catherine McCord / Alexa Nikolas / Stephen Root / Cooper Thornton / Betty Aberlin /

    Set in Middle America, a group of teen receive an online invitation for sex, though they soon encounter fundamentalists with a much more sinister agenda.
    The teenager Jarod invites his best friends Travis and Billy-Ray to have a fourome with a thirty-eight year-old woman. While driving to meet the woman, Travis hit a car parked on the road. When they meet the woman, she gives spiked beer to them and they pass out. When the three friends wake up, they find that they are trapped in the fundamentalist Five Points Trinity Church of the infamous Pastor Abin Cooper and that they will be killed. Meanwhile the church is under siege by ATF agents led by Agent Joseph Keenan that have been ordered to destroy the terrorist cell. Will the teenager be saved by the agents of the law enforcement agency?

     film of the red states , red states download Red State qvod , Red state watch , red state Synopsis : about a few wretched high school students in response to a pornographic ads , and do not want to , but after it fell to the priest hands of a crazy religious extremism . Information Recently, the American director Kevin Smith 's new film " Red State " came alive again in two new posters , posters , and before several of the same form of photos with scratches , the temperament of each actor in the picture snarky , posters at the top is the role of the corresponding figures . Three the dress Liuliliuqi juvenile is "young people" loyal followers is the name of the " Chaldeans " ( The Bible Jesus' loyalty partners ) . The film " Red State " is about a group of young people encounter a group of Midwestern United States fundamentalists , these people under the leadership of a priest , to the religious extremism by these young people what . It can be seen from the plot , the film played the religious terrorist brand , the advantages of religious terror it without reason , some followers of religious fanaticism can be said is inevitable . Movie from the hands of the United States is quite well-known grassroots director Kevin Smith , who has photographed the " Clerks " and "erotic self-timer " and other films , he can write and can guide , can be described as all-rounder . Before the works are basically living Gao Xiaolei , the breakthrough to try terror theme , the fans very much look forward . Actors, the director is also strive to simple and natural , John Goodman , Melissa Leo is acting solid , old bones . As for director Smith does not achieve a breakthrough until the next year at the Sundance Film Festival , you can see the outcome . The film "Red State " has been nominated for the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, and then will meet with fans .

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