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Horror Adventureland / 青春冒险岛 / 冒险园地 / 毕业即失业 / 青春冒险乐园 / 菜鸟新人王 / 冒险乐园Video Download url:
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Story about《Adventureland / 青春冒险岛 / 冒险园地 / 毕业即失业 / 青春冒险乐园 / 菜鸟新人王 / 冒险乐园》
    2009 Year Horror movie < Adventureland / 青春冒险岛 / 冒险园地 / 毕业即失业 / 青春冒险乐园 / 菜鸟新人王 / 冒险乐园 >
    Director:Greg Mottola /
    Stars:Jesse Eisenberg / Kristen Stewart / Ryan Reynolds / Matt Bush / Bill Harder /
    Storyline:summer 1987, the young man just out of college campus, James Brenner ornaments (Jesse Eisenberg), like many ordinary The graduates are facing the choice of the future, especially the employment problem of existence. James at the university when looking for a lot of work, but there is no job to stay here, not his work not the way, is the boss fired his squid. Finally graduated from college, pack up and leave from the school that day, James's students either at home doing nothing, or has already begun their work, but James is now no hurry to find work, but he had always been a dream: to the dream of continental Europe to surf. It is clear that the parents have given him a definite answer, will no longer give the adult James financial assistance. No money means unable to move, looking for a summer temporary work hard to earn enough money, and then to realize their dream of a European tour, and became James the moment the most urgent desire. Restaurants, supermarkets, bars, hotels, James thwarted at every turn, never find a job, it touches a lot of embarrassing stories to tell, and finally the shape fairly decent young man in the distance from home is not very far from a large playground. "Adventure" to find the work of a laborer, because the salary is pretty impressive, especially dry day laborers, not Lord of the whole year is, so just to realize his European travel plans in the autumn, so James excitedly began his first also be regarded as opening the first step of his dream trip. Here, however, James' work has not been easy. All kinds of tourists, the character of different colleagues, coupled with nervousness to the pole owner (Bill Harder ornaments), and simply let James own experience some "real-world version of" "Adventure" tour. James just entered society on the life of their own future with new and profound understanding. At the same time, the very shy introverted boy in school are also new job with a beautiful female colleague Ann (Kristen Stewart ornaments) "close contact" experience to the young people the both psychological and physiological impulses and growth ...
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