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Story about《Dangerous person / 危险人物》
    2007 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Dangerous person / 危险人物 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shawn Yue / Li Canchen / Dong Minli /
    Storyline:from the undercover career of the front , thought uncorrupted , but the old lingering , boss, girlfriend , father , all no-confidence vote , first shots , fellow soldiers and then fell to the ground , it was in the lakes are former friends turned into strangers . The horrible thing is that the front has become their enemy , the inner torment that cocaine became his most straightforward relief .
    Filter under dark colors, pale blue, under the neon lights and hallucinations type FLASH BACK . Despair perception , or in the absence of the realm of the kingdom ? The most dangerous man is the one that live in the nightmare .
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