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Story about《The Lovers and the Despot / 情人与独裁者》
    2016 Year Documentary movie < The Lovers and the Despot / 情人与独裁者 >
    Director:Ross Adam / Robert Cannan /
    Stars:Paul Courtenay Hyu /

    In 1970s South Korea, actor Choi Eun-hee and her ex-husband, film director Shin Sang-ok, were divorced, estranged and both struggling with stalled career. Unfortunately, both their lives seemed changed forever when they were individually kidnapped in 1978 by their biggest fan, Kim Jong-il, despot of North Korea. With peruasion and brute force, the movie obsessed Kim planned to use them to develop the Hermit Kingdom's film industry and get it out of its mindless propaganda mentality. Through the words of Choi, their family, associates and US intelligence peronnel, you will follow the bizarre slavery of this couple even as they rediscover their love and secretly gather evidence of the dictator's crimes. All they while, they struggle to play along with the world's most dangerous film geek as they desperately plan for their escape.


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