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Story about《Life, Animated / 生活,动画 / 蓬勃的生活》
    2016 Year Documentary movie < Life, Animated / 生活,动画 / 蓬勃的生活 >
    Director:Roger Ross Williams /
    Stars:Jonathan Freeman / Gilbert Gottfried / Alan Rosenblatt / Owen Suskind / Ron Suskind /

    Owen Suskind was a boy of coniderable promise, until he developed autism at the age of 3. As Owen withdrew into his silent state, his parents almost lost hope that he find some way to interact with his world in some meaningful way. However, that way was found through animated films, especially those of the Walt Disney Company, which provided Owen a way to undertand the world through its stories to the point of creating his own. This film cover the life of Owen and how he manages to become as functional as possible with the help of Disney and his family to the point of having his own a life. However, Owen soon learn as well that there is more to real life than what Disney can illustrate in animation even as his family prepares itself for an uncertain future with him.


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