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Documentary Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee / 外国佬:约翰迈克菲的危险生活Video Download url:
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Story about《Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee / 外国佬:约翰迈克菲的危险生活》
    2016 Year Documentary movie < Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee / 外国佬:约翰迈克菲的危险生活 >
    Director:Nanette Burtein /
    Stars:Allison Adonizio / Nanette Burtein / John McAfee /

    Mysteries abound in the life of John McAfee. He made million creating antivirus software, then reinvented himself as a yogi, a proponent of herbal medicine, and a serial entrepreneur. He was known for his charm and generosity. Then his life took another turn. He moved from the US to Belize and built a heavily armed compound in the jungle, like a modern day Heart of Darkness. McAfee never shied away from media attention and boasted of his libertine lifestyle, maintaining a harem of young women. In 2012 his neighbour in Belize, an American named Gregory Faull, was found murdered by a gunhot. Sought for questioning by local authorities, McAfee fled to Guatemala, then returned to the US where he purued the Libertarian Party nomination for President in 2016. Over the year, journalists have told pieces of McAfee's story (including the infamous Vice report accidentally revealing his secret location). Here the Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Nanette Burtein deliver a deep ...


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