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Story about《Time Raiders / The Lost Tomb / 盗墓笔记》
    2016 Year Horror movie < Time Raiders / The Lost Tomb / 盗墓笔记 >
    Director:Daniel Lee /
    Stars:Lu Han / Boran Jing / Sichun Ma / Boyu Zhang / Jingchun Wang / Joel Adrian / Alexandre Bailly / Ted Duran / Daniel Krauser / Temur Mamisashvili / Damian Mavis / Vander McLeod / Harry Oram / Tomer Oz / Danny Salay /
    Storyline:And writer for writing material, to look for a called Wu (Luhan ornaments) antique shop owner, and Wu are preparing to leave the city, before leaving, Wu and he told about his strange family tomb and tell their own past, the first time with family adventure experience strange event: that one of their families because of accidental access a particular piece of bronze, traced, found buried in the basin of Northwest China Chinese Xi Wang Mu in the country, they recruited a group of robbers went into the ruins of the ancient city of exploration, is located in the ancient city of underground tomb of Queen Mother of the west, found in the king Yu Xi the immortal art of seeking truth. The story of writer after listening to Wu Xie, but found that there are many doubtful points, Wu Xie said in the end is own imaginary, or is the truth even more terrible complex, because Wu Xie left into the eternal mystery.
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