Index » Action movie » Now Playing Action movie The Legend of Tarzan / Tarzan / 泰山传奇:森林争霸 / 泰山传奇 / 新人猿泰山 / 泰山归来:人猿大战 / 泰山归来:险战丛林
Action The Legend of Tarzan / Tarzan / 泰山传奇:森林争霸 / 泰山传奇 / 新人猿泰山 / 泰山归来:人猿大战 / 泰山归来:险战丛林Video Download url:
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Story about《The Legend of Tarzan / Tarzan / 泰山传奇:森林争霸 / 泰山传奇 / 新人猿泰山 / 泰山归来:人猿大战 / 泰山归来:险战丛林》
    2016 Year Action movie < The Legend of Tarzan / Tarzan / 泰山传奇:森林争霸 / 泰山传奇 / 新人猿泰山 / 泰山归来:人猿大战 / 泰山归来:险战丛林 >
    Director:David Yates /
    Stars:Alexander Skargård / Rory J. Saper / Christian Steven / Christoph Waltz / Samuel L. Jackson / Margot Robbie / Sidney Ralitsoele / Osy Ikhile / Men-Sana Tamakloe / Antony Acheampong / Edward Apeagyei / Ashley Byam / Casper Crump / Adam Ganne / Aleksandar M /

    John Clayton following his parents' death in Africa would be raised by an ape and would be known by the name Tarzan, would leave Africa and go to his parents's home in England along with woman he fell in love with and married, Jane Porter. He would be asked by Belgian King Leopold to go to Africa to see what he has done there to help the country. Initially he refuses. But an American, George Washington Williams wants him to accept so he can accompany him. He says that Leopold might be committing all sorts of atrocities to achieve his goal like slavery. He needs to prove it. Clayton agrees and his wife inists that she accompany him because she misses Africa. They go and when they arrive a man named Rom who works for Leopold attacks the village they are at and captures Tarzan and Jane. With Washington's help he escapes and sets out to rescue Jane by going across the jungle and Washington join him despite being told that he might not make it. .


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