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Story about《The Punisher / 制裁者/惩罚者/神鬼制裁》
    2004 Year Action movie < The Punisher / 制裁者/惩罚者/神鬼制裁 >
    Director:Jonathan Henleigh /
    Stars:A. Russell Andrews / Omar Avila / James Carpinello / Mark Collie / Russell Durham Comegys / Antoni Corone / Rick Elmhurt / Ben Foster / Michael Reardon / Laura Harring / William Haze / Thomas Jane / Eddie Jemison / Marco St. John / Marcus John /

    After his wife and family are killed, G-Man Frank Castle takes it upon himself to distribute punishment to those responible for the vendetta.
    Special agent Frank Castle had it all: A loving family, a great life, and an adventurous job. But when his life is taken away from him by a ruthless criminal and his associates, Frank has become reborn. Now serving as judge, jury, and executioner, he's a new kind of vigilante out to wage a one man war againt those who have done him wrong.

    tuba Frank Custer ( decoration) Thomas Jane Punisher in Marine Corps service, and then to help the FBI . Tired with the death of a close game after Custer intend Hermitage garden, with his wife and children Mary and Will spend with the family . However , in the undercover operation last arrest arms smuggling , due to the situation out of control led to the accidental death of a party youth young Ming Jiaobao than Santer , his father is the wealthy businessman Howard Sang special (John Travolta ornaments ) . Santer family on the surface of dignitaries dressed secret is Jiminggoudao , the evil forces of lawlessness . The lost son out of anger makes Howard , at all costs promise to revenge in the end , All Custer family bid farewell to the world , but Custer survived .
    At this point, in Custer 's consciousness forever branded on the words of the punishment , he dressed in battle clothing , from head to toe armed with obvious signs show black chest that huge white skull head . In the days that followed , he began looking for and sanctions related to the criminals who he believed to be involved in killing his wife and children . Repeatedly destroy the enemy camp , and criminals lying dead in a news media began to punish , the implementation of darkness fair known as the Punisher .
    Howard Sant began to liver trembling , he knew Frank 's have healthy children : he received the Navy SEALs , underwater damage group, far range reconnaissance training , proficiency in fighting fighting , with a large number of conventional weapons , has a distinguished combat record his 20 years of the school have come in handy , we can say , Rambo sawed sawed , his ability and a force strong words .
    Punishment for the underground world of a cruel and merciless punitive action never stops , the Sant felt: one day he will be recruited ! Recruiting, always ready to ...

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