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Story about《Tuan Yuan Fan / 团圆饭》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Tuan Yuan Fan / 团圆饭 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Li Guangjie / Ma Su / Li Jian / Fu Jing / He Hongshan / Huang Ailing / Zhang Ningjiang / Dai Xu Qugaowei / / Li Yiling /

    "Family reunion dinner" of the story takes place in the early ninety's of the last century, blood natural affection like a silk thread, the song wonderful sister-in-law tied together, but the family is clearly not a panacea. In order to realize the whole family will sit together to eat a meal, a simple wish happy and peaceful family reunion dinner, "shit brother" and "sharp sister-in-law" pick strokes, a surprise move uniform gifted, different characters of wonderful sister-in-law, and in the process of laughter and tears... With a body small horse brother windbreaker Sunglasses style, songyida fevered get out of the train station. Luggage hasn't hold dear brothers, was "the thief industry Xu Wenqiang" song and steal. Song Jia Liu siblings and parents of young scattered, now the brothers opposite strangers, and then go to the Police Bureau recognized simple desire -- Song Jia eldest brother and sister eats the family reunion dinner incorporated each other, so destined in the hardship and joy in be troubled debut...... It is already tall, rich and handsome two younger brother Song Yiya, head of the star of hope doctors halo, in the dream and the family, father and relatives between the undecided swing; third brother song and by "craft" eat, bluff and deceive to master everything, in the police like a homely food; four sister may be clever and sensible, but parents as a baby sitter, and take care of baozi Pu take care of silly sister, want to go home but also by foster parents request money Shushen; 5 younger brother Song Yiwen physically disabled, the welfare of the growing experience and make it sensitive loner, slightly biased or even self mutilation Dutch act, how to take good care of the body and mind become a family heart illness. Only the younger sister Yi snow volunteered for my brother, share, bear the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family, pay and sacrifice makes up a sister's heart has not. Brothers and sisters wave uneven, and longtime fiancee Juan son again between the wave again. This bowl of "family reunion", let the love and marriage of the bowl "reunion dinner" danger...... A hot blooded songyida, how kicking even cheat with Mongolia difficult entries? How to incorporate all the siblings make a return to the same under the eaves? At that time, hot meals on the table, warm family around, the most beautiful but the reunion dinner.

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