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Story about《Ren Hun / 忍婚》
    2014 Year Chinese TV < Ren Hun / 忍婚 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Gu Minghan / Jiang Yiyi / Hu Yue / Cai Jing / Wen Jie /

    "Can the marriage" was about 80 Chen Jinhe Lu poem language in China prices under high pressure, love life and marriage attitudes. Because there is no money to buy a property, two people after the divorce had no choice but to "divorce does not leave the room". Therefore, they have to face the life in many awkward and helpless. The male and female are accustomed to the freedom of a generation, but they also have to face parents, prices and other pressure, the most important is to endure "divorce is not from the real" "Ren marriage" life, many stories happened during this period. The end of the story, the two people in love hate "could marriage" in life to understand what is the treasure, what is to give up, eventually leading actor and actress chose to remarry, the end of this section of "can the marriage" day.

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