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cartoon Corpse Bride / 骷髅新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘 / 地狱新娘 /僵尸新娘Video Download url:
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Story about《Corpse Bride / 骷髅新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘 / 地狱新娘 /僵尸新娘》
    2005 Year cartoon movie < Corpse Bride / 骷髅新娘 / 怪诞尸新娘 / 地狱新娘 /僵尸新娘 >
    Director:Tim Burton /
    Stars:Johnny Depp / Helena Bonham Carter / Emily Watson / Tracy Uma / Albert Fanny /

    19 century European village , called the dimension grams of many young men are with friends go hand in hand to return to their home , because there is a beautiful bride is waiting there and he married , he even can imagine the luxury of their own wedding , the way of joy can not hide . When they walk in the dark woods , the cold wind in the woods still did not stop Victor soaring emotions and longing for a better future , in order to allow their upcoming wedding more perfect , he decided to do an exercise . Thus, one knee on the ground, playfully wedding ring in front of a branch , and then light to read congratulatory words out of their own wedding vows . However , this seemingly absurd exercise leads to a series of strange things , that the branch had suddenly turned into a rotting fingers , a woman wearing a wedding emerged , she claimed to have been murdered , but also people can not accept is that she was sure he is in front of the fool Victor 's legal wife . Victor which seen this posture , the moment his mind only " escape " word . However, faced with this zombie in front of the New Year , Victor a mortal nature is captive . The outcome is that Victor was introduced to another world , and married and the Corpse Bride . The Corpse Bride not only look sad old wedding dress , and her generation has been incredible , the terror she was Victor 's staunch . Fine feet Lingding Victor withstand such torture , but he has to choose to run . Of course , the ghost bride gave him a lot of shock to the feelings and lessons learned in his life , he has to face two girl and he got married just two circles of life and death , this choice is painful , but also is happy ...

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