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G佣老公.HD1280超清国语中字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:31210/G佣老公.HD1280超清国语中字[迅雷下载].mkv
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Story about《Gu Yong Lao Gong / 雇佣老公》
    2014 Year Comedy movie < Gu Yong Lao Gong / 雇佣老公 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhang Kai / Wu Ruijun / Xu Xiaomeng / Mark /

    Deng Kai is a martial arts instructor, mighty and tough is a bachelor, after work is to Master, often to the martial arts students to master for advice. Doris Li Ruhua students on Deng Kai throw herself, he embarrassed at. Xu Jiali care of an advertising company in Shenzhen, in recent years, busy career, a thirty something or single women, began to busy dating in under the pressure of society, through a series of annoying embarrassing dating, still can not find the other half, she is determined to force yourself, a year in any case to get married. Xu Jiali's sister Xu Mengmeng is occupation model, beautiful, sexy, holding a spare tire boyfriend, but no one let her true Heartbeat, her hobbies in the martial arts, martial arts had let her Heartbeat man - coach Dunke. Deng Kai Xu Mengmeng love as a joke, bolun a mad pursuit of Xu Mengmeng Dunke as a rival martial arts master, the same is he to Deng Kai afternoon. Xu Mengmeng pulled the elder sister to school to watch the tournament, Deng Kai Xu Jiali to fall in love at first sight, under the economic gap did not dare to express. A few months later, Xu Jiali and Deng Kai in a time mutually close encounter, the Deng Kai Xu Jiali brave to express his love, within a year of their marriage deadline approaching, Xu Jiali decided to change the way of thinking to get married, will Deng Kai as pedal, completed from the older female left to the beautiful young woman gorgeous turn around. Xu Jiali and Deng Kai romantic night, he signed a three month contract of employment "husband"......

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