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Story about《Zhu Yuanzhang / 朱元璋》
    2006 Year Chinese TV < Zhu Yuanzhang / 朱元璋 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Hu Jun / Ju Xue / Zheng Xiaoning / Obs / Yang Hongwu / Chen Changhai / Bao Depan /

    Yuan Dynasty, chaos . The parents of the emperor after the death due to hunger , in order to bury their parents , he Rumiao when a monk . The temple was destroyed in the war a few years later , he had to wander begging , after a peasant uprising army .
    Entering the Rebel Zhu heavy eight repeated Li Qigong on the battlefield , chief Guo Zixing discouraged , Guo goddaughter horse girl married to the emperor . Since then , the emperor, a step by step onto the stage of history in China . " Loyalty " Xu Da , regular book , turquoise , and a number will only win in their side , and adopted the strategy of the Shan-long , Bowen , and other intellectuals , high walls , store grain , slow king " and then expand strength. Eventually eliminated in the Poyang Lake flood battle rival Chen Youliang create the Ming dynasty .
    After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty , he rigorously enforce the restructuring to punish corrupt officials , and create a lot of running the country the new law to make the country very rapidly back to life , but also has put to death the evil Shan-long , Huwei Yong , YANG Xian batch Hoon your formation . To Jiangshan Yong solid turquoise and other generals of the number of Yu Gongzhuo book almost destroyed them , turn the extraordinary talent of Bowen firmly in control in the hands of Liu eventually poisoned . Even a young age and he grew up with Xu Da , only self-propelled road to ruin, but soup and loaded paralysis sell crazy spared a life .
    Empress Ma died in the emperor 's love and hate , then Prince Zhu marked the sudden death of the emperor distraught , eventually also with the downhill sunset toward the end of life .

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