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Story Pin Shi Dai / 拼时代Video Download url:
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Story about《Pin Shi Dai / 拼时代》
    2014 Year Story movie < Pin Shi Dai / 拼时代 >
    Director:郑勇刚 /
    Stars:Pan Hao / Wu Qiao / Xu Jiayu / Xu Xiaomeng / Zhang Kai / Ma Li / Huang Weilun /

    The new media era movie "spell" by Shenzhen psychedelic movie culture dissemination limited company production product, Shenzhen Tengshi Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Hong Lixiang technology limited Chupin, Domon network exclusive promotional release, Yong Gang director Zheng directed, written by Li Ping, Cao Xing Liang as producer. "The times" to fight down to earth small stories, small literary temperament style, tortuous infection, let you explode laugh, feel the influence character by environment root inside the fighting spirit, is a make people laugh with tears in the inspirational comedy comedy. "The times" tells the story of the hero and heroine fight cattle Ding Ding and Yu Xiaohong came to Shenzhen to find a job, suffered the most difficult employment season, be driven into a corner when the stem from the most. The grass root job in the world -- taste product experience. Arranged by the company to two people with a suite of gradually produce feelings, that little red is her boyfriend dumped and pregnant with the child, I decided to take up more cattle on his father's duty, and the registration of marriage and red. Although the reality is brutal, the hardships of life, but two people still in order to family and dream to struggle desperately, even to the pole dancing, hanging bottle back his son not to hesitate to work. In this city, as there are a lot of them so hard, not hard will be living the trampled to death, this spell is reason....

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