Index » Story movie » Now Playing Story movie La graine et le mulet / The Secret of the Grain / Couscous / 谷子和鲻鱼 / 家传秘方 / 谷子与鲫鱼 / 种子与骡子 / 种子的秘密 / 他乡的煮意
Story La graine et le mulet / The Secret of the Grain / Couscous / 谷子和鲻鱼 / 家传秘方 / 谷子与鲫鱼 / 种子与骡子 / 种子的秘密 / 他乡的煮意Video Download url:
谷子和鲻鱼.BD1024超清中法双字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:10568/[迅雷下载]谷子和鲻鱼.BD1024超清中法双字.mkv
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Story about《La graine et le mulet / The Secret of the Grain / Couscous / 谷子和鲻鱼 / 家传秘方 / 谷子与鲫鱼 / 种子与骡子 / 种子的秘密 / 他乡的煮意》
    2007 Year Story movie < La graine et le mulet / The Secret of the Grain / Couscous / 谷子和鲻鱼 / 家传秘方 / 谷子与鲫鱼 / 种子与骡子 / 种子的秘密 / 他乡的煮意 >
    Director:Abdellatif Kechiche /
    Stars:Habib Boufares / Hafsia Herzi / Farida Benkhetache / Abdelhamid Aktouche / Alice Houri / Bouraouïa Marzouk / Cyril Favre / Leila D'Issernio / Abelkader Djeloulli / Bruno Lochet / Olivier Loustau / Sami Zitouni / Sabrina Ouazani / Mohamed Benabdeslem / Hat /
    Storyline: At the port of Sète, Mr. Slimani, a tired 60-year-old, drags himself toward a shipyard job that has become more and more difficult to cope with as the year go by. He is a divorced father who forces himself to stay close to his family despite the schisms and tenion that are easily sparked off and that financial difficulties make even more intene. He is going through a delicate period in his life and, recently, everything seems to make him feel useless: a failure. He wants to escape from it all and set up his own restaurant. However, it appear to be an unreachable dream given his meager, irregular salary that is not anywhere near enough to supply what he needs to realize his ambition. But he can still dream and talk about it with his family in particular. A family that gradually gives its support to this project, which comes to symbolize the mean to a better life. Thanks to its ingeniousness and hard work, this dream soon becomes a reality...or almost....
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