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Story Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries / 野草莓Video Download url:
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Story about《Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries / 野草莓》
    1957 Year Story movie < Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries / 野草莓 >
    Director:Ingmar Bergman /
    Stars:Victor Sjöström / Bibi Anderon / Ingrid Thulin / Gunnar Björntrand / Jullan Kindahl / Folke Sundquist / Björn Bjelfventam / Naima Wifstrand / Gunnel Broström / Gertrud Fridh / Sif Ruud / Gunnar Sjöberg / Max von Sydow / Åke Fridell / Yngve Nordwall /
    Storyline:After living a life marked by coldness, an aging professor is forced to confront the emptiness of his existence.
           With the exception of his elderly housekeeper Miss Agda who he treats almost like a surrogate platonic wife, widowed seventy-eight year old Dr. Isak Borg, a former medical doctor and professor, has retreated from any human contact, partly his own want but partly the decision of other who do not want to spend time with him because of his cold demeanor. He is traveling from his home in Stockholm to Lund to accept an honorary degree. Intead of flying as was the original plan, he decides to take the day long drive intead. Along for the ride is his daughter-in-law Marianne, who had been staying with him for the month but has now decided to go home. The many stops and encounter along the way make him reminisce about various parts of his life. Those stops which make him reminisce directly are at his childhood summer home, at the home of his equally emotionally cold mother, and at a gas station where the attendants praise him as a man for his work. But the lives of other people they ...
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