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Story about《The unstoppable style / 挡不住的疯情 / 挡不住的风情》
    1993 Year Story movie < The unstoppable style / 挡不住的疯情 / 挡不住的风情 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Simon Yam / Yung Hung / Michael Wong / Roland /

    computer company manager of Sun Zhihui ( Simon Yam) has been living a strange life of a dual personality . Daytime work, hard on women and money dismissive night in every possible way to try to get closer to their dreams - television popular host Stretching exercises ( the Weng ornaments ) . Sun not only moved to the opposite side of the yellow live in an apartment with a telescope to monitor their every move , more VCR filming , the lesson all men yellow rude or tried to approach her ​​with iron bars . Sun covered with photos of yellow in their own homes , a day to see her video looks like her dummy in front dressed as speaker for the music .
    By chance , Sun colleagues know yellow and decorated with her ​​wealthy boyfriend , Charlie ( Michael Wong ) . Two loving so jealous Sun , Sun strange eyes yellow from the wary .
    Charlie appeared frequently in the yellow around the Sun can no longer be patient , so the two engagement masquerade , Sun has finally started to take action . As he said "We are with destiny " , a period of distorted love mixed with pain and bliss destined to expand
    between the Sun and Huang

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