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Story about《Daddy Go home / 老爸回家》
    2013 Year Chinese TV < Daddy Go home / 老爸回家 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Liu Wei / Wu Mian / Yang Zi / Zhang Yishan / Chung Hua Tou / Peng Yu / Xu Ting / Zifeng Zhhang /

    Ten years after the divorce, Huoqi with his wife and daughter "into" to his ex-wife home, for a divorce and been intense hurt his ex-wife and the daughter of reaction, refused to "home" Huo Qi, but keep down before the majesty of the mother-in-law asylum. Thus the house without peace, very ground Huoqi character and habits and the home be misfits, thereby triggering a series of things make me on the spot, but also because Huoqi kind and enthusiastic, the daughter, wife, and all the members of the house itself puzzling problem. Finally, Huoqi exposed the purpose of his trip, he this "home" to the younger daughter in foster care in the home. The inordinate ambitions for his ex-wife and daughter again the anger, they found that, Huoqi already suffering from an incurable disease, and his little daughter and he has no blood relationship. For years he has to help his wife have never met before the justice, being framed, and affinity and embarked on a difficult life path. A year later, Huoqi died, but two of his "daughter", and all of his loved ones, but because of his presence, to find their own happiness of life together.

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