Index » Horror movie » Now Playing Horror movie Truth or Dare (II) / Truth or Dare / 真心话大冒险/玩命游戏
Horror Truth or Dare (II) / Truth or Dare / 真心话大冒险/玩命游戏Video Download url:
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Story about《Truth or Dare (II) / Truth or Dare / 真心话大冒险/玩命游戏》
    2012 Year Horror movie < Truth or Dare (II) / Truth or Dare / 真心话大冒险/玩命游戏 >
    Director:Robert Heath /
    Stars:Liam Boyle / Jack Gordon / Florence Hall / Nicky He1on / Jennie Jacques / Tom Kane / Jason Maza / David Oakes / David Sterne / Linda Tarkovski / Mark Underwood / Alexander Vlahos /
    Storyline:This is a British movie about a group of tee1 who while at a party, play a game of 'Truth or Dare', but the game gets out of hand when one of the party goe1 (Felix) is picked on by the other tee1. A few months later they are all invited to a party that Felix is throwing at his parents ma1ion. But when they get there they are told the party is in a cabin further up the road. They arrive to find that Felix's brother is there i1tead, but where is Felix, and what does his brother have in store?
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