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Story about《Edward Scissorhands / 幻海奇缘 / 剪刀手爱德华》
    0 Year Love movie < Edward Scissorhands / 幻海奇缘 / 剪刀手爱德华 >
    Director:Tim Burton /
    Stars:Johnny Depp / Winona Ryder / Anthony Michael Hall / of Diane West / Kathy Baker /

    director Tim Burton 's Edward Scissorhands is a modern fairy tale about robots . It tells the story in a castle inhabited by an inventor , create a variety of things , and finally create a robot , and gave him the name Edward . Inventor effort devoted all of these works , he even of Professor Edward humans etiquette and poetry , when to smile when silent . However, did not wait for the robot to finalize the inventor died leave existing human mind has remnants of a pair of scissors in hand , Edward is living alone in the castle . I do not know how many years , A middle-aged woman selling cosmetics Pegg strayed into the castle , and found to describe the eccentric Edward . Intentioned Pegg is not Edward pale complexion and claws Scissorhands intimidated , but pity their loneliness , and brought him to their home .
    Peg live in a small community with a bright and beautiful tone , female neighbors like flirting , spy , and tell tales . Edward appeared to them bored Lai 's life to add a fresh stimulus , everyone showed great friendship and even intimacy . When and his revealing Scissorhands pruning plants , design hairstyles talent , the town almost all his mania , he as a star, like a darling . But he also has his own pain , that is in love with Peg 's daughter , beautiful Juesu gold . Gold has long been a boyfriend , and the new members of this family have been ....

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