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Story about《The Last Supper / 鸿门宴 / 王的盛宴》
    2012 Year War movie < The Last Supper / 鸿门宴 / 王的盛宴 >
    Director:Chuan Lu /
    Stars:Ye Liu / Daniel Wu / Chen Chang / Qi Li / Yulai Lu / Dao Qi / Lan Qin / Yi Sha /

    The story of two warring generals (Liu Bang and Xiang Yu) fighting for control of China at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

    China 2,000 years ago , the tyranny of the King of Qin vassal uprising. Outside the bloody battlefield , littered with the city-state in the deep woods . War and hunger, eyes dark wanderer, dreams and ambitions burning cheeks sunken thinker , a variety of policy makers Chester, With a dream , shuttle to and from this scarred land . Destined to change the heroes of this era , ascended the stage of history at this time - Yu and Liu Bang , two against the tyranny of the Qin uprising leaders , led by their own forces , fighting for freedom and joy all the way , and also whose Block, symbol of the core of the supreme power and infinite wealth of the dynasty - Emperor Qin Palace step by step approach . Historical process is tortuous and ambiguous, the result is only one : Unyielding rather impulsive King Xiang Yu "Banquet" missed the opportunity to kill Liu Bang , only one chamber of blood pour on the Wujiang River , with his beloved woman Concubine tearful farewell . Han Xin , Liu Bang and his Empress , and the policy makers , Zhang Liang , Xiao their shame , to fight to the last , become the ultimate master of the brilliant palace . Tall luxury big house , the monarchs of the world of Liu Bang seems long forgotten years and former allies fought side by side , full of suspicion and even beginning to brothers around . Another section of the killing, which began in the walls of dense stands empire , silent spread ......

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