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Love Bright Star / bright poems / 灿烂之星 / 明星 / 闪亮的星星 / 明亮的星/璀璨情诗Video Download url:
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Story about《Bright Star / bright poems / 灿烂之星 / 明星 / 闪亮的星星 / 明亮的星/璀璨情诗》
    2009 Year Love movie < Bright Star / bright poems / 灿烂之星 / 明星 / 闪亮的星星 / 明亮的星/璀璨情诗 >
    Director:Jane Campion /
    Stars:Abbie Cornish / Ben Whishaw / Paul Schneider / Kerry Fox / Edie Martin / Thomas Brodie-Sangster / Claudie Blakley / Gerard Monaco / Antonia Campbell-Hughes / Samuel Roukin / Amanda Hale / Lucinda Raikes / Samuel Barnett / Jonathan Aris / Olly Alexander /

    The drama based on the three-year romance between 19th century poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne, which was cut short by Keats' untimely death at age 25.
    It's 1818 in Hampstead Village on the outskirts of London. Poet Charles Brown lives in one half of a house, the Dilkes family who live in the other half. Through their association with the Dilkes, the fatherless Brawne family know Mr. Brown. The Brawne's eldest daughter, Fanny Brawne, and Mr. Brown don't like each other. She thinks he's arrogant and rude, and he feels that she is pretentious, knowing only how to sew (admittedly well as she makes all her own fashionable clothes), flirt and give opinion on subjects about which she knows nothing. Inecure struggling poet 'John Keats' comes to live with his friend, Mr. Brown. Miss Brawne and Mr. Keats have a mutual attraction to each other, a relationhip which however is slow to develop in part since Mr. Brown does whatever he can to keep the two apart. But other obstacles face the couple, including their eventual overwhelming passion for each other clouding their view of what the other does...

    Beautiful rich girl Finney (Abbie Cornish Abbie Cornish decoration) indulge in the fashion among the hands of their own design and production of clothing is her greatest pleasure. By chance a chance, she saw the next door to poor young Keats (Ben Wei Shixiao Ben Whishaw decoration) is not best-selling collection of poems, she was attracted to those words, so they look for every opportunity to close that melancholy men. Under the influence of Keats, Finney began to learn and appreciate the poetry both deeply in love, in the process along. However, this relationship from the beginning have been subjected to various objections, together far more than the day, a pair of lovers through correspondence to convey the love of each. Returned Keats gave Finney set love the ring, and gave her a poem entitled "Bright Star", both in a variety of dissenting voices continue to hold on to that love. Soon, the new works of Keats's finally come out, but this time he was suffering from a serious lung disease ...The film director who gains the Palme d'Or award with "The Piano Lesson" Jane Campion (Jane Campion,). The film was named the 62nd Cannes International Film Festival main competition, and to nominate the 82nd Academy Award for Best Costume Design Award.

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