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Story about《The child is not bad / not bad kids / 孩子不坏/小孩不坏》
    2012 Year Comedy movie < The child is not bad / not bad kids / 孩子不坏/小孩不坏 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Daniel Chan the / Xia Ruzhi / Moo / Li Fei Hui the / Hung Chee built /
    Storyline:2008 after the release of Yang Ya-Zhe, director of "Jiong boy" excellent reputation, explore the issues of problem children, many people see in the film inside a microcosm of his childhood and personal feelings; 2009 Indian film "three fools" set off a wave of intense discussion whirlwind after the release, to break the record released over the past decade most long film than "Avatar", the film also explore educational issues, fat people reflection smile and a tear; 2012 Singapore LEUNG Chi new, national director for "The child is not bad," released in the local Lunar New Year stalls, won the champion of Chinese-language films continue to praise. Following the "Stupid" series, we continue to explore the children how to change and deterioration of the educational issues. Life, and jokes abound film style has always been the strengths of the beam guide, this time the child is not bad, "children grow up, they become adults in the eyes of students, LEUNG Chi once again play to his creativity, and invited the Hong Kong star Daniel Chan co-star in this new work. The drawing JiMi works "my fault the fault of adults say" I know I am not a perfect child, but you was never perfect parents, so we must be tolerant and hard and strong to live. "Education has always been a Gordian problem, the beam guide is always not to give up the creation of the film on the type of education of the child, this new work," the child is not bad "will appear in the hilarious plot and touching story? The story revolves around three middle grades students, Ricky (Lee Chuang Rui played) and brother Bao, and Ricky's best friend Jian Ren (played by Hung Chee Kin), three by the contempt teenagers have their own troubles. Bao young and naive, parents praise him all the world, whether it is doing is right or wrong; attended the Polytechnic School of Weijie favorite invention of machinery in order to use his good at, to tease the teachers and classmates loansharking syndicate; Jian Ren, the mother's neglect led astray into a huge debt in order to repay the debt, he did not seek the help of the mother, but for the parlor. To this end Weijie and Jian Ren came up with the invention of "revenue debt machine" idea, and replace them to paint the debt collection debt collection machine. Seen the power of the debt collection machinery ", but not bad syndicates Boss, Ma (played by Eric Moo) In fact, intend to use the machine after the upgrade to drug smuggling. Seeing students set foot on the wrong track, a teacher of CK (played by Daniel Chan) decided to come forward to help their students.
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