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Story about《Force 10 from Navarone / 六壮士续集 / 纳瓦隆第十突击队》
    1987 Year War movie < Force 10 from Navarone / 六壮士续集 / 纳瓦隆第十突击队 >
    Director:Guy Hamilton /
    Stars:Robert Shaw / Harrison Ford / Barbara Bach / Edward Fox / Franco Nero / Carl Weather / Richard Kiel / Alan Badel / Michael Byrne / Philip Latham / Angus MacInnes / Michael Sheard / Petar Buntic / Leslie Schofield / Anthony Langdon /
    Storyline:Mallory and Miller are back. It seems that there was traitor with them at Navarone, whom they thought was executed. But it seems that not only was he not executed, and he was not a traitor but a German spy. Intelligence believes he made it to Yugoslavia and is now with the Partisan. So, Mallory and Miller being the only ones who can positively identify him are sent along with a unit called Force 10, which is led by Colonel Barnby, who objects to their presence. It seems that Force 10 has a mission of their own which Mallory and Miller know nothing about. When their plane is shot and most of the team is killed, they mistakenly believe that some of the locals they meet are Partisan but in reality are German Allies, so they are taken prisoner, and have to convince the German commander that they are not spies or else they will be killed.
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