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Comedy Zombie Strippers! / 僵尸脱衣舞娘Video Download url:
僵尸脱衣舞娘.HD1024高清中英双字$ftp://dy:[email protected]:40052/[迅雷下载]僵尸脱衣舞娘.HD1024高清中英双字.rmvb
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Story about《Zombie Strippers! / 僵尸脱衣舞娘》
    2008 Year Comedy movie < Zombie Strippers! / 僵尸脱衣舞娘 >
    Director:Jay Lee /
    Stars:Jenna Jameson / Robert Englund / Roxy Saint / Penny Drake / Whitney Anderon / Jennifer Holland / Shamron Moore / Jeannette Sousa / Carmit Levité / Johnny Hawkes / Brad Milne / Zak Kilberg / Jen Alex / Jessica Custodio / Laura Sabbia /

    In the not too distant future a secret government re-animation chemo-virus gets released into conervative Sartre, Nebraska and lands in an underground strip club. As the virus begin to spread, turning the stripper into "Super Zombie Stripper" the girls struggle with whether or not to conform to the new "fad" even if it mean there's no turning back.

    In the near future , the fourth U.S. President George W. Bush won re-election , he dissolved the Congress, the worldwide spread of the war , a steady stream of manpower , the Government has developed a virus people into zombie soldiers , surprise, the virus proliferation , the military sent an elite squad to quell disturbances , a player to escape being bitten ... the strip club "rhino " boss Ice Bandits ( Robert • England, Germany , Robert Englund decoration) ushered in a new Jesse , the young man crush on Jesse Davis has also come to sneak into the rhino . Performances of the night dancers to make a vote spectators crazy , the soldiers suddenly zombie gnawing on the spot will be headed dancer Kate ( • Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson decoration) killed , who knows Kate back from the dead , and because of the virus pure characteristics in women without loss of reason and Kate dancing zombie surge , Lord of the dancers were unable to bear the audience ignore the have dedication zombies , money-minded Ice Bandits decided to conceal the thing , the zombie dancers in rhino in shine ......

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