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Story about《Father And Son: The Story Of Mencius / 맹부삼천지교 / 孟父三迁之教》
    2004 Year Comedy movie < Father And Son: The Story Of Mencius / 맹부삼천지교 / 孟父三迁之教 >
    Director:Ji-yeong Kim /
    Stars:Jae-hyeon Jo / Chang-min Son / In Lee / Yi-hyeon So / Hyeon-ju Son / Jun-yong Choi / Hyeon-yeong / Roe-ha Kim / Won-hie Kim /
    Storyline:Mother of Mencius resurrected in Korea?! The Firt Move! "The Home of Folk Music!" MENG Man-su is a single parent who lives for nothing but his only son. He wants his son to study well and become successful in life. One day an undertaker visits him and asks for his son to be his protégé to sing pallbearer' dirges. He gets so upset that he moves to Seoul that very same night and settles down in the slums. The Second Move! "School in the front! Mountain in the back!" MENG Man-su begin to sell fish for a living. This time, he happen to see his son singing an adult song, surrounded by neighbor, when he's supposed to be studying! Spanking his son with a frozen pollack, he decides to move for the second time. His second place is an apartment overlooking a school with a mountain behind the building. The Third Move! "Home should be within 1 kilometer from school and an intitute to prepare to go to the best college!" Sa-sung grows up to be high school student, who tops his school in ...
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