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Action 14 Blades / Guard / 锦衣卫Video Download url:
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Story about《14 Blades / Guard / 锦衣卫》
    2010 Year Action movie < 14 Blades / Guard / 锦衣卫 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Donnie Yen / Zhao Wei / Wu Chun / Kate / QI Yu / Chen Kuan Tai / Wu Ma / Sammo Hung / Law Ka Ying / Damian /

    A kung fu thriller set during the Ming Dynasty and centered on a secret service agent (Donnie Yen) in the emperor's court who is betrayed and then hunted by his colleagues.

    Ming dynasty , the royal government dark , stupid emperor , the Yandang chaos the right . Originally controlled by the emperor of the direct control of the Guard power gradually sidelined Loyalty in the hands toward the Secretary ceremony eunuch Jia Jia Loyalty plotting against fornication Military Governors , For their split the world . The Guard 's number one master Dragon Bong ' life steal loyalist easily intimidated but suddenly the trap , and kill by Guard , Yu days Escort Young Master Joe Wing Joe spent desperate rivers and lakes . Guard and the brightest arena master Lu Yu Jia Loyalty sent to kill , in the course of the flight , the Dragon gradually find out the conspiracy of Jia Loyalty plot rebel , but the mysterious killer chance encounter with Prince Ching sent . Understand that in the vast desert , the Dragon , only to overcome the " murder weapon" , it may be to prevent the seizure of power conspiracy Jia Loyalty and Prince Ching . A fight to the death begins .

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